Friday, January 9, 2009

Featured in magazine

It´s a strange feeling to see yourself in a magazine. I never get used to it. But it´s fantastic to see your pieces displayed and to have someone writing about your business. This is an article about doing business on Etsy.
Etsy is something new to both sellers and buyers in Sweden. When doing a search I can only find 49 Swedish sellers at Etsy - it should be more! I hope this article will help others to take the step forward against opening their own Etsy business.

I also hope this will make me find more Swedish customers. My customers mostly comes from US, UK and France. It used to be Australia and New Zeeland but for some reason I´ve had no buyers from those countries since spring.
If you have an Etsy shop, where do your customers mostly come from?


  1. ÅH WOW!!! Jösses vad kul. Vilken tidning är det??

  2. Den heter Kreativa och Pyssel som underrubrik. Vet inte om den kommer att finnas så länge till. Men den finns på välsorterade pressbyråar

  3. Jättekul! Synd att jag inte har nån pressbyrå i närheten, annars skulle jag leta reda på dig :-)

    Jag vill också hitta fler svenska kunder. Hittills har mina få Etsy-kunder varit från USA (utöver ett par tidigare kunder som jag alltså redan känt).


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