Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Fabric + jewelry = TRUE LOVE!

Right now I´ve got a thing for jewelry with textiles, lace and embroidery-like solutions. And suddenly I see it everywhere. A trend perhaps?

I´ve tried to figure out what it is that I like about the usage of fabric in jewelry. And it must be the textures and the contrast between hard and soft, if the jewelry also are made of metal. Fabric and metal makes a great clash between cold and warm. Since I´m a swirly girl, the usage of scrolls, vines and flower embellishments could also play a part…

My favourite jewelry designers using fabric are Tinctory ( http://www.tinctory.etsy.com/) and Edera Jewelry (http://www.ederajewelry.etsy.com/).
Tinctory stands for a more strict, modern look. I just love her choice of colours – always great against the base which is oxidized silver. Edera jewelry are more like traditional brocade, full of intricate patterns. I always dream of wearing her jewelry with Versailles or some other “little house” as a fond…

Two designers that recently started to experiment with fabric in their jewelry are Eclettica, (http://www.eclettica.etsy.com/ )and Meristem (http://www.meristem.etsy.com/) .

Both Eclettica and Meristem are gurus for me when it comes to colour – and now they impress me with their courage to experiment with fabric too. Check out their latest pieces and enjoy the fantastic work - fabric included or not.

So will fabric reach my jewelry? I might tie a descrete ribbon bow on a pendant soon. But that´s as far as I will dare to go I think…:)


  1. I am a big fan of Tinctory ~ I love the contemporary look ~ and I love Sheelas latest piece very much.

  2. Wow they are amazing! I think Im going to have to have a rummage around etsy soon! there are so many gorgeose things on there, a total feast for the eyes! :)

  3. Yes, Etsy is a "black hole" where time just disappears when browsing around all the beauty!

  4. To be mentioned in the same post as Ivy's work (of Edera) is a slice of heaven to me.

    Thank you Susanna dear xoxoxoxo

    p/s I love you too, Jo hun!!!

  5. Hi Susanna~
    Thank you so much for including a piece of my jewelry in one of your posts! I've admired you work for some time--and the work of Tinctory and Sheela--so it was such a nice surprise to be included such lovely company. Thanks for introducing me to Meristem's work as well. It is inspiring to see how other artists put their own personal spin on combining fiber and jewelry making :)
    Take care,


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